It’s Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas

It’s beginning to look like Christmas and bills are on the rise,🤔

Don’t forget to tell all you meet that we have the ultimate prize.😁

It’s beginning to look like Christmas and everyone will soon be skint,🤔

Don’t forget to tell the world how they can make a mint !!

I Almost Died If It Hadn’t Been For This!

Two minutes worth of thoughts on my way home from the surgery. Don’t forget to comment below and please don’t forget to share!

The Eagle School

For many years I have been privileged  to present our Eagle School all over the United Kingdom and now, I am bringing the same school with a little more detail in a series of weekly episodes. It’s FREE and there will never be a charge for this encyclopaedic training. If you’re serious about building your future income with our opportunity to get episode one and subsequent weekly video episodes all you need to do is register, just click here. 

Having registered you will receive an email containing links to Episode 1 and Episode 2. You will then receive an email every seven days with the next episode link. I hope you will enjoy being part of Eagle School!

To your success!

Clive Leach

Now let’s get on!

I do not write “political” posts. Politics in my opinion is a private issue.

Many years ago I decided to take responsibility for my own future and I decided to build a financial wall around myself and my family. I decided to build it tall and thick so, it would become an impenetrable barrier to outside forces that were beyond my control.

To be blunt and rude I’m sick and tired of reading posts about stuff that the authors have no real control over. Votes have been cast. Decisions have been made.

Now is the time to put all of that behind all of us and start working to build your own and your families future.

Now is the time to take responsibility for your own life.

Now is the time to go to work and build your own future without blame or praise.

Now is the time for high intensity in your personal endeavour.

Lifestyle 101 Episode 3.

This one skill/discipline has been of paramount importance to our success. I’m sure that if you adopt this and make it part of you, then you will not regret it for one single second! Don’t forget to leave your comments, questions and feedback in the comments section below.

Skills To Make a Massive Difference To Your Income! Lifestyle 101 No.2.

These simple disciplines have made a massive difference to our income, our business and our lifestyle!

Feel free to ask questions, leave comments and give feedback below in the comments section and I’m sure that you will find this short video to be incredibly valuable.

Lifestyle 101 No. 1.

This is the start of a journey where I will capture the best words I can to share what has made us succesful..

I hope you get real value from these ideas I’m sharing with you and please feel free to give me your feedback in the comments box below or indeed ask some questions.

A Live Broadcast with Eric & Marina Worre

Diana and I are super excited to bring to you a live interview with our very good friends, Mr & Mrs GoPro, Eric and Marina Worre! Get your questions ready and you will have the opportunity to ask them LIVE on Sunday May 10 at 7pm. Just click on the link in the article to book your place on this untique broadcast


Diana and I are super excited to bring to you a live interview with our very good friends, Mr & Mrs GoPro, Eric and Marina Worre! Get your questions ready and you will have the opportunity to ask them LIVE  on Sunday May 10 at 7pm. Just click on the link below to book your place on this unique broadcast

Eric Worre is one of the leading authorities on Network Marketing. As a highly sought after keynote speaker, trainer and consultant, he is dedicated to helping people understand that Network Marketing is a better way and why it’s best to make the decision to become a Professional.

Eric is National best-selling author and one of the most experienced and trusted generic leaders in the Network Marketing Profession. Along the way, he has purposefully become an accomplished trainer, and has conducted live events with more than 250,000 people around the world, teaching them also how to become Network Marketing Professionals. He has shared the stage with Anthony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy, Denis Waitley, Stephen Covey, Les Brown, Robert Kiyosaki, Diana Ross, Clive Leach and many more.

In 2009, Eric founded, the most-watched training site in the Profession. Since its inception, Network Marketing Pro has provided over 1000 free training videos (with over 11 million video views) encompassing every conceivable topic and dozens of interviews with the most successful Distributors in the world. He also has a Facebook Fanpage with over 144,000 Network Marketing fans at

His book “Go Pro – 7 Steps To Becoming A Network Marketing Professional” has become a National Best Seller and is currently translated into 19 different languages. It has become the go to book for Network Marketing.

Today, Eric is permanently retired from building as a Distributor and is devoting all of his time in working to take the Network Marketing Profession to a new and higher level.

Join us in this unique broadcast and you will hear advanced information direct from Eric and Marina concerning their upcoming events in Las Vegas and at Event City in Manchester!

How to get the best from our live broadcasts.

I know that we have a lot of new friends who have never seen one of our broadcasts and I am aware that a few people have had problems accessing them. So, I thought I would write a short brief so you can have the best possible viewing experience. Let’s take this Sunday’s upcoming broadcast on May 10 at 7pm British time. You will get a much richer viewing experience using a desktop or a laptop rather than a tablet or smartphone. You can watch them with these devices but it’s not as good.

The first thing to do is click on the link below as soon as you have read this brief. If you have already signed up for a free account with Google + you will be taken to our “Event” page and you will see three buttons in a box entitled “Are You Going To Watch” and then select “Yes”, “No” or “Maybe”.

If you are not a member of Google + I strongly recommend that you join and not only will you have a much better viewing experience but you will be able to ask questions during the live broadcast. If you’re not a member go to the Google home page and just look at the top of the screen and you will see a button with “Join Google +”. Click on the button and follow the simple online instructions and it takes about two minutes to create an account. You only have to do this once. Just remember your password!

However, you decide to view the broadcast, just click on the link a few minutes before the start time  and you will be taken to the event page and you will see a screen with a play button in a circle (looks a bit like an arrowhead). Click on the button and you will see an announcement that the broadcast will start in x minutes and will count down. Then, at the start time, as if by magic, I will appear in living colour! Don’t forget to tune in and we will have some fun!

Lunch at home with Diana & Clive!

I have been to all the company’s national seminars (Express Day) for the last seventeen years bar one when ill health intervened. All of the seminars have been excellent but it’s true to say that some have been better than others. In my opinion last weekends seminar will go down in living memory. Delegates will be talking about this event for a long time. Why? Because of the tools that have been launched that makes this business so simple that the business will now grow even faster than ever before. I was talking to Eric Worre who was our guest speaker at the weekend and is one of the most experienced individuals in this industry having worked with many networking companies and most of the top income earners. Although Eric is not directly involved in our business he understands it completely. He said to me that although it has taken nearly seventeen years to get half a million customers he thinks we will get the next half a million in the next thirty-six months!

I would urge you to focus on these few simple things for the next four weeks.

Focus on showing everybody you know the Sir Terry Wogan Video.
After your prospect has viewed the video just say “Give me your phone number and post code and let’s see which of our Gold Bundles is best for you!”
Then say “As you know this is a public limited company and I have to show you this” Show your new customer the “How The Money Works” video and then say “Is that of interest to you?”

Just let the conversation unfold and don’t forget that the distributor registration fee is reduced to just £50 until the end of the month.

All you need to do is get your list and make some appointments. It doesn’t matter what you say as long as you do it with the excitement that you are currently feeling. If you need some pointers have a peek at our short video

Diana and I have decided to run a competition for our group. Any team member that between 27 March and April 30 that uses our new videos and takes advantage of the £50 joining fee and gathers at least 5 customers between now and then and recruits at least 10 distributors (easy now just show the new video to at least 30 people) we will invite you to lunch at our home and to spend the day with Diana, David and myself. The top recruiter and top customer gather over this period will have a private planning and strategy meeting over an intimate dinner (that Diana doesn’t cook). Anyone up for this?

Until my next post…………..Toodleoo!

Fear of The Phone

My Dear and Precious Reader,

This post is for our Utility Warehouse Community.

I would hope by now that you would have viewed the video “Fear of the Phone” and if you haven’t yet you need to as it sets out the methodology behind the script below. If you haven’t watched the video you can view it by clicking this link This five-minute video could massively impact upon your prospecting skills.

The key to this is to start with WHY! So, as promised in the video here is the script.

Hello! It’s me. How are you?

Prospect responds and then you say

Listen, name, this is just a quick call as I have a lot of calls to make. I’ve recently discovered a way of multiplying my disposable income by a factor of two, three, four or even possibly five times and it’s already started to work! I’m really excited by it and the reason that I’m doing this is because I wanted to make some extra money so I could provide private health insurance for the family, privately educate the kids, improve our lifestyle and perhaps even get a better car! (substitute  your own WHY) and I thought of you as you have such a great personality and have fantastic people skills (substitute your own view of their personality, skill set etc.). I would love to show you what I’m doing as I think you might enjoy it and we could make some extra money and have some fun! Could I pop over on Tuesday at seven-thirty of if that’s no good on Thursday?

Prospect says, What is it?

You respond. Listen, Name, if I try to explain this on the telephone I’m going to make a real mess of it so, I’m not even going to try! Can I pop in for a cup of tea on Tuesday or Thursday? Which is best for you?

Make the appointment and say. Thanks, I’ll see you then!

Until me next post…….Toodleloo!

The Answers To The Questions

My Dear and Precious Reader,

This particular post is aimed at our Utility Warehouse Community. However, all are welcomed to read as some of the concepts held within this post may well benefit my other beloved readers from all over the world! Possibly wishful thinking but you never know!

Ten days ago I set up a FaceBook page as an experimental coaching aid with a limited, tiny readership. The questions that I have received were very interesting and thought provoking and consequently I would like to share just five of the questions that I have received together with my answers. To see the rest just visit and hit the “Like” button on that page. Finally, at the end of this post you will find a short poll and I would be very grateful, dear reader, if you would be kind enough to complete it as this will help me in further coaching our colleagues.

Finding Prospects.

All our personally sponsored distributors have either come from our Centre of Influence or have been referred to us in one way or another.

Your Centre of Influence is of course your list and the mistake that most people make is that they create their list once and never review it. Consequently additions are never made. Diana, David and I over the years have added substantial numbers to our Centre of Influence through the people we meet on a daily basis. To attract people you must first learn to be attractive. This does not mean surgical enhancement! It doesn’t mean that you have to be interesting. You just need to be interested in people and have a sunny attitude and be warm and friendly with everybody you meet. It takes a little time to build a solid list unless you’re highly visible within your community, social clubs, breakfast clubs, Rotary, Lions etc all bring you into contact with new friends and acquaintances. Then the task is to build rapport. The hardest thing that I had to learn is to be a good listener!

What’s been your most successful one liner to recruit a potential distributor?

This is the second time that I have received this question in the last 24 hours. Is someone peddling this as a concept because if so I’m concerned?

As far as I am aware the key to building a distributorship is to build rapport with your prospects and team members. It takes more than one line. It takes the ability to listen, to care and to act. The only way that Diana and I know how to build a business is by applying the philosophy of enlightened self interest which states “If you help enough people get what they want then you will get what you want!”

What To Do With A new Distributor

When I have introduced a new person it is my belief that the first few days are key to their success. As soon as they have an ID number (Instant ID) I would ensure that they were booked onto the Getting Started Skills class. I would arrange to meet within 24 hours. The discussion would be set around what our new team member needs and desires in terms of their financial requirement. The next part of the discussion would be to review the amount of time that the new team member had on a weekly basis. Then I would ensure that our new person completely understood the concept of time leverage. I would ensure that they have become a customer for as many of our services as possible.

Next we would tackle their list and help them create it. (If you want a starting point look at their contacts on their mobile phone, address book etc). Having expanded the list we would profile a few of them to ascertain the quality of his/her prospects. We would make sure that the energy declaration and ID badge was in hand and that they were able to access the online training. Contact would then take place on a daily basis and their understanding of the online training would be monitored. Just before their class room training we would meet again and review our progress and ensure that the goals had been set. It is at this point some customer appointments would be made and would be in the diary and if possible I would help them with their first appointments.

After they had completed their class room training I would debrief our new team member to ensure that they were comfortable with the information that they had received. Contact would be on a daily basis and at the appropriate time appointments would be made to present the opportunity. Where possible I would go on the first few.

By now we should be on the way to building a TL structure.

Running Home Meetings

Home meetings can have a really varied format and would be dependent upon the needs of the individual team and where they are currently sitting in their understanding of their business. When Diana and I first started this it was a self help group as there was no infrastructure of any type. However, today is a different story. My suggestion would be to look at the frequency of your local COP and have your home meeting on the opposing week if your local COP is fortnightly or on the alternate fortnight if your COP is monthly. As your team develops you will probably find that you will need a mini COP as well. Hopefully you will get to the point where you will need to have a weekly home mini COP! We used to do this in our front room and training was undertaken in the kitchen and as the team grew we had training in the dining room as well. In terms of content I am a great believer that all distributors should have a thorough knowledge of the compensation plan, the concept of time leverage, the skills of getting an appointment and of course presentation skills.

One of the often repeated themes for a home meeting is making the appointment. I would ask my team to bring with them their lists with telephone numbers as we are going to profile them. First we would start of with a new team member and work on expanding their list by involving the attendees to play F.R.O.G.S. Then we would take a name from this persons list and profile the prospects character and skill set. I would then take the persons list pick up the telephone and call the profiled prospect. The look on the team members face is always memorable! The script would be something on the lines of: Hello is this Elsie?


You don’t know me but I believe you know Dave. He’s sitting with me right now. Dave and I are involved in an exciting venture and we have found a way of doubling or even tripling most peoples disposable income and Dave and I were talking about the sort of person we need to be working with and your name, Elsie, sprang form his lips. Dave tells me that you are a ………and that you have great……skills. Could we pop over and run this buy you either on Tuesday or Thursday for 30 minutes to see if there is a level of interest?

What is it?

Elsie, If I try and explain this over the phone I’m going to make a real mess of it as its very visual so which is best Tuesday or Thursday just to run the idea past you just to see if you have any interest?

Elsie says yes, pass the phone over to David to finalise times etc.

Once this has been completed you then say to David “Right it’s your turn who are you going to call?” David makes the call and you summarise his presentation by addressing the group saying that you liked it when David said ……..but was a little uncomfortable when David said……but really though that when David said……it was very good. You then ask the group for help by asking them how they would improve upon David’s presentation.

The post office game is also fun for another occasion. You take two team members and ask them to stand. They then have to pretend that they are in a long queue at the post office. You select one of them and ask him/her to strike up a conversation with this complete stranger and bring the conversation around to the opportunity within 5 minutes. You then open this to the group for discussion on how this could be improved upon.

On a regular basis I would drill the concept of time leverage into the group so not only did the team understand it but could present it confidently and competently without any aids.

On a regular basis I would rehearse the team in giving their testimonials at a COP and try to get away from the cliched “topping the pension pot up” (that drives me mad it’s so uninspiring!)

During the course of the meeting its always good to recognise individual achievements from getting their first customer or first distributor to promotions etc.

There’s loads more you can do but this should keep you going for the first few weeks but the key is to involve every attendee in an activity of some description.

Why am I doing this?

I’ve had a number of people ask me why Diana and I continue to be active in the business and what is our “Why” and do we have the same “Why” as when we started. Diana and I have always been goal driven and over the years our goals and reasons for our continued activity and involvement have changed. We have achieved our major financial goals and we have attained time freedon so we literally choose to be involved for the following reasons:

1). We enjoy the business and 2) I’m on a mission!

So, here’s our mission statement:

To create a culture and tools that will enable an individual distributor to be able to multiply their disposable income by a factor of at least ten. To multiply the distributor channel by a factor of at least five. This will create wealth for a huge number of people which will have direct positive consequences on the UK economy and the future prosperity of our nation.

Please complete the poll below and please do’t forget to visit and hit the “Like” button to automatically receive updates.

Times Are Changing!

It used to be that when a young adult left university, a college, or school they would start their career as an employee. Despite qualifications most young people would commence their career with a “starter job” and then as experience was gained would move onto positions with greater responsibility and some would enter the senior managerial sector of society.  The “starter jobs” would not demand tremendous skills and as technology has advanced the “starter jobs” have disappeared. They have either been replaced by technology, such as robotics in industry or have been outsourced away from developed economies (such as the UK) to developing economies. We have all seen  large corporations transferring their customer service call centres to other lower paid economies but did you know that if you have had a dental crown fitted in the last five years it was probably made in India?

As a nation we are facing a terrific challenge as its likely that we will have enduring youth unemployment. One of the possible ways to resolve this problem is for corporations to offer apprenticeships but in todays straightened economic conditions those opportunities are few and far between. We have all seen in the media countless reports of graduates with excellent degrees struggling to find employment in this country. It seems to me that unless things change very quickly we will have a skill shortage in fifteen to twenty years time where the corporations will be seeking a work force to replace those retiring from positions of responsibility and senior management and will be forced to employ well educated, experienced people from what is currently known as the developing world.

So, what can we do about it? This may sound extreme or grandiose but I believe that we have in our hands an opportunity to create masses of disposable income. In creating masses of disposable income we would be playing our part in stimulating the economy. Not only would you, our fellow distributors benefit from this but so will the economy over the next few years. The key to this is to share our business with as many people as we humanly can so we can help people massively increase their disposable income. This in turn will stimulate the economy which will provide the employment opportunities that are needed in this nation. Let’s face facts! Not everybody will join our business but at least they will have the opportunity to reduce their utility bills. So how do we do this?

You get as many people as you can to look at your business. How? Just keep your eye on Diana’s Facebook page (Diana Ross UW) over the next few weeks for some video tips. If your not a Facebook friend of Diana’s now’s the time to send her a friend request!

Until my next post …….Toodleoo!